The College Invited Professor Chris Bradley from the University of Birmingham in the UK to Deliver an Academic Report


      On March 11th, our university invited Professor Chris Bradley and Professor Sun Simiao from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) at the University of Birmingham in the UK to give exchange presentations. The report is chaired by our young teacher Zhang Peipei.

      Professor Chris Bradley, from the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham, is the head of the Master's program in River Environment and Management. Mainly engaged in research in the fields of physical geography, environmental scientists, and environmental hydrology. Professor Chris elaborated on some of the challenges in linking contemporary process modeling and paleohydrology in the study of water flow in karst environments, including the formation principles of karst cave environments, water flow characteristics, and simulation of cave hydrological processes.

      Professor Sun Simiao is the Deputy Director of Global Affairs and Head of International Admissions for the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) at the University of Birmingham. She introduced some master's research and practical projects at the University of Birmingham through several cases, including numerical simulations of groundwater in Rohingya refugee camps and surrounding areas in Bangladesh, effectiveness evaluation of sheet pile water level rise in Weimmos National Nature Reserve (moss swamp), plant remediation of European groundwater pollution sites, and construction of underground heat pump systems.