


姓  名


性  别



职  称




专  业


学 位












  1.  第五届江苏省科协青年会员创新创业大赛装备制造领域创新组优秀奖(2020

  2.  中国施工企业管理协会工程建设科学技术进步奖一等奖(2020

  3.  中国电建科学技术奖二等奖(2020

  4.  中国水利水电第七工程局科学技术奖特等奖(2019

  5. 美国土木工程师学会航空工程杂志2017年度最佳论文(一年一人)



目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,主持参与横向企业科研10余项,研究成果应用于乌弄龙、锅浪跷、硬梁包、叶巴滩等重大水利工程项目,获省部级一等奖1项。发表SCI学术论文30余篇,其中一作高质量论文10篇,他引400余次,H index 11。授权专利5项,参编团体标准2项,承担“工程施工”、“水工程施工”、“水利施工新技术”等课程教学工作。中国建筑学会数字建造学术委员会会员,美国土木工程师学会会员,担任Cement and Concrete CompositesConstruction and Building MaterialsAutomation in ConstructionJournal of Construction Engineering and ManagementJournal of Cleaner ProductionJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering等期刊审稿人。


  1. Sun, Xiao; Liu, Hengrui; Tian, Zhenghong; Ma, Yuanshan; Wang, Zezhu; Fan, Haoyue ; Feasibility and economic evaluation of grouting materials containing binary and ternary industrial waste, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 274: 0-122021

  2. Sun, Xiao; Liao, Wenyu; Kumar, Aditya; Khayat, Kamal H.; Tian, Zhenghong; Ma, Hongyan ; Multi-level modeling of thermal behavior of phase change material incorporated lightweight aggregate and concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2021, 122: 0-104131

  3. Xiao Sun, Yang Du, Wenyu Liao, Hongyan Ma, Jie Huang, Measuring the heterogeneity of cement paste by truly distributed optical fiber sensors, Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 225:765-771

  4. Xiao Sun; Antonio Faraone; Qingli Dai , A new approach of quantitatively analyzing water states by neutron scattering in hardened cement paste, Materials Characterization, 2018, 136: 134~143

  5. Xiao Sun; Shuaicheng Guo; Qingli Dai ; Xianghui Xiao, Microstructure characterization of alkali-glass particle and alkali-glass powder reacted gels with neutron scattering and imaging techniques, Materials Characterization, 2017, 131: 98~107

  6. Sun X, Dai Q, Menon M, et al. Design and simulation of active external trailing-edge flaps for wind turbine blades on load reduction. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 30(5): 04017062.

  7. Sun X, Zhang B, Dai Q, et al. Investigation of internal curing effects on microstructure and permeability of interface transition zones in cement mortar with SEM imaging, transport simulation and hydration modeling techniques. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 76: 366-379.

  8. Sun X, Dai Q, Ng K. Computational investigation of pore permeability and connectivity from transmission X-ray microscope images of a cement paste specimen. Construction and Building Materials, 2014, 68: 240-251.

  9. Hao Lu, Xiao Sun, Hongyan Ma, Anti-washout Concrete: An overview, Construction and Building Materials, 2022,,344,:128151

  10. Liao Wenyu, Sun Xiao, Kumar Aditya, Sun Hongfang, Ma Hongyan, Hydration of Binary Portland Cement Blends Containing Silica Fume: A Decoupling Method to Estimate egrees of Hydration and Pozzolanic Reaction, Frontiers in Materials, 2019, 6     

  11. Zhenghong Tian; Xiao Sun*; Weihao Su; Dongxin Li; Biao Yang; Ce Bian; Jun Wu ; Development of real-time visual monitoring system for vibration effects on fresh concrete, Automation in Construction, 2018, 98: 61-71

  12. Liu, Hengrui; Sun, Xiao*; Du, Hui; Lu, Hao; Ma, Yuanshan; Shen, Weikang; Tian, Zhenghong ;Effects and threshold of water film thickness on multi-mineral cement paste, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 112(0): 0-103677

  13. Hengrui Liu, Zhenghong Tian, Xiao Sun, Yuanshan Ma, Haoyue Fan, Yun Dong, A conceptual model focusing on internal flocculation structures and water film thickness for analyzing fresh properties of cement paste containing attapulgite, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 325: 126836

  14. Hong, Yan; Tian, Zhenghong; Sun, Xiao ; Dynamic Evaluation for Compaction Quality of Roller Compacted Concrete based on Reliability Metrics, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2020, 146(10): 0-04020123

  15. Guo S, Dai Q, Sun X, et al. Reduced alkali-silica reaction damage in recycled glass mortar samples with supplementary cementitious materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 172: 3621-3633.


  1.  一种水下不分散净浆材料抗分散性能综合测试仪及其应用

  2.  一种混凝土面板坝边墙挤压和垫层碾压同步施工机械装置

  3.  一种数字化搅拌式机械加浆作业馈控方法

  4.  一种流态混凝土拌合物流变性能实时检测方法

  5.  一种垫层料碾压施工机械


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:多因素耦合变态混凝土浆液扩散机制及施工工艺参数优化研究,主持

  2. 玉环市公路与运输管理中心:台州玉环市白改黑试验段工程RAT沥青路面混凝土配合比设计,主持

  3. 南京市路桥工程有限公司:温拌高粘沥青排水路面技术在养护工程中的应用关键技术研究,主持

  4. 南京市路桥工程有限公司:宏运大道工程混凝土防裂控裂技术研究,主持

  5. 浙江省水利水电勘测设计院:混凝土坝施工进度自动规划技术研究,主持

  6. 中国水利水电第七工程局有限公司:高寒高海拔高拱坝混凝土连续施工关键技术研究,主持

  7. 中国水利水电第七工程局有限公司:深厚覆盖层砂砾石地基处理研究及应用,参与

  8. 中国水利水电第七工程局有限公司:引江济淮渠道施工关键技术研究,参与

  9. 中国水利水电第七工程局有限公司:碾压混凝土筑坝工艺数字化控制关键技术,参与

  10. 中国水利水电第七工程局有限公司:混凝土数字化施工与精细化控制成套技术开发研究,参与

  11. 中铁十二局集团有限公司:预制箱梁智能化振捣装备系统研发项目,参与

  12. 中国水利水电第七工程局有限公司:陡深河谷200m级堆石坝超硬岩筑坝及面板施工控制技术研究,参与

  13. 徐州市刘山北站拆除重建工程建设处:基于互联网+泵站混凝土数字化施工技术开发与应用,参与

